U.S. Indexes and Exchanges

AMEX - American Stock Exchange

Amex Composite Index

AMEX description - The alliance of technology and people is a hallmark of auction market trading, and the AMEX has been a pioneer in market innovation for nearly a century.

AMEX Quotes - last sales quotes including volume, advance decline, new highs and new lows data as well as average volume comparison with up/down volume.

AMEX Technical Analysis - summary technical analysis of volume, price and advance decline indicators applied to the Amex Composite daily quotes.

Amex Advance Decline - Amex Composite index advance decline volume and issues ratio quotes calculator that allows to select days when overbought and oversold advance/decline readings were spotted.

Amex Sentiment - Sentiment for Amex Composite index based on the advance/decline index quotes.

Amex TRIN - TRIN historical quotes.

Amex Volume - daily volume quotes calculator.

Amex Stochastics - Stochastics historical quotes.

Amex MACD - MACD Historical quotes.

Amex RSI - RSI historical quotes.

AMEX historical data - Market data vendors offer securities professionals and investors a window to trading activity on The NASDAQ, American Stock Exchange, and OTC Bulletin Board.

AMEX Stocks - AMEX members represent a comprehensive cross-section of the nation's leading brokerage houses.

AMEX quotes charts - All of the AMEX stocks are traded on a daily basis. For either a quote or chart of these stocks just click on one of the symbols below.

AMEX trading systems - A technical analysis indicator is used to determine the trend of a market, the strength and direction of the market and use it for a further investment.

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