Trading Systems Scanning Tools

Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System

About our Trading Systems Scanning Tool

Our subscribers have access to quite unique tool which allows scanning various popular technical indicators for the best performed chart setting for a given stock and selected time-frame.

In technical analysis, a lot of time and resources novice and professional traders spend on research of technical indicators, testing the selected indicators' settings and etc. Many traders "gave up" after spending several month on several technical indicator without any result. Our scanning tool solves this problem by delivering statistics on the technical indicators and their performance. We will show you

  • the list of technical studies (indicators) that will work well for the stocks you trade,
  • what indicators do not work for your stocks,
  • the best performed setting in the recent past,
  • the instruction on how to set a trading system and how to generate signals,
  • the instruction on  how to set intraday email alerts on our stock charts and daily email alerts on the web-site in the members' area.

As was already mentioned above, our system scans for the best chart setting. As an example, let's say you would like to know the best recommended MACD Setting for QQQ stock on the daily (1 bar = 1 day) stock charts. The MACD has two parameters - fast and slow MA bar periods. By assuming that each parameter could vary from 1 to 100 we will have 10,000 combinations of the possible MACD settings. Our system will test (scan) all of these 10,000 possible setting combinations over the past 10 years of QQQ historical data and it will select the setting that delivered the best performance. You will see what you can expect and what chart setting you can use.

If by any reasons you do not see your indicator / stock / time-frame combination or the scan results you see are too old, you may always submit a new scan and build a library of personal scans that you may use in your technical analysis.

If you cannot find scan results for your stocks or ETF or scan results are old, you may submit a new system scan in "Your Scans" section.

Smoothed RSI is calculated as Exponential MA applied to RSI. That is why it called Smoothed RSI. To see it on our chart, plot a RSI-S on a chart - red line (signal line) on a chart would represent Smoothed RSI.

This simple trading system generates trading signals on crossovers of a Smoothed RSI (also known as RSI Signal) and 50% center line around which it oscillates. The rules of generating trading signals are quite simple:

  1. Go "Short" ("sell short") when Smoothed RSI drops below 50% line.
  2. Go "Long" ("buy") when Smoothed RSI moves above 50% line.

More about the simple Trading System based on an indicator and a signal line.

Click on the link to signals to see the system's (chart and indicator) settings.

Scan DateSymbolTrading System Name
(Technical Indicator)
Time Frame
achived return
8/4/2014 10:42:00 AMNE
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years155.17 %NE Signals
8/4/2014 10:42:00 AMNEE
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years92.72 %NEE Signals
8/4/2014 10:42:00 AMNEM
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years127.96 %NEM Signals
8/4/2014 10:42:00 AMNFLX
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years948.71 %NFLX Signals
8/4/2014 10:42:00 AMNFX
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years101.76 %NFX Signals
8/4/2014 10:42:00 AMNI
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years209.64 %NI Signals
8/4/2014 10:42:00 AMNKE
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years22.15 %NKE Signals
8/4/2014 10:42:00 AMNLSN
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years46.77 %NLSN Signals
8/4/2014 10:42:00 AMNOC
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years170.84 %NOC Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMCO
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years360.30 %MCO Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMDLZ
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years35.40 %MDLZ Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMDT
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years140.79 %MDT Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMET
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years122.69 %MET Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMHFI
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years45.20 %MHFI Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMHK
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years197.86 %MHK Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMJN
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years124.01 %MJN Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMKC
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years75.05 %MKC Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMLM
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years252.77 %MLM Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMMC
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years33.97 %MMC Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMMM
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years135.41 %MMM Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMNST
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years78.05 %MNST Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMO
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years175.64 %MO Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMON
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years258.40 %MON Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMOS
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years760.55 %MOS Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMPC
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years118.94 %MPC Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMRK
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years190.00 %MRK Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMRO
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years156.37 %MRO Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMS
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years262.25 %MS Signals
8/4/2014 10:41:00 AMMSFT
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years174.00 %MSFT Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMLLTC
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years57.07 %LLTC Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMLLY
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years15.58 %LLY Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMLM
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years236.00 %LM Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMLMT
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years181.97 %LMT Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMLNC
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years262.04 %LNC Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMLO
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years68.33 %LO Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMLOW
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years212.08 %LOW Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMLRCX
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years164.28 %LRCX Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMLUK
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years317.56 %LUK Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMLUV
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years240.06 %LUV Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMLYB
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years275.88 %LYB Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMM
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years311.70 %M Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMMA
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years486.31 %MA Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMMAC
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years222.77 %MAC Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMMAR
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years187.65 %MAR Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMMAS
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years248.09 %MAS Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMMAT
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years141.42 %MAT Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMMCD
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years90.86 %MCD Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMMCHP
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years139.61 %MCHP Signals
8/4/2014 10:40:00 AMMCK
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years239.51 %MCK Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMJNPR
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years302.49 %JNPR Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMJOY
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years46.24 %JOY Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMJPM
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years67.79 %JPM Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMJWN
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years310.11 %JWN Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMK
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years54.81 %K Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMKEY
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years146.74 %KEY Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMKIM
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years106.23 %KIM Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMKLAC
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years172.04 %KLAC Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMKMB
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years60.08 %KMB Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMKMI
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years74.60 %KMI Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMKMX
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years303.22 %KMX Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMKO
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years116.09 %KO Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMKORS
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years116.50 %KORS Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMKR
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years89.45 %KR Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMKRFT
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years27.70 %KRFT Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMKSS
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years11.88 %KSS Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMKSU
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years300.72 %KSU Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AML
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years112.39 %L Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMLB
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years10.70 %LB Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMLEG
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years28.90 %LEG Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMLEN
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years246.85 %LEN Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMLH
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years58.28 %LH Signals
8/4/2014 10:39:00 AMLLL
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years137.48 %LLL Signals
8/4/2014 10:38:00 AMHUM
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years279.84 %HUM Signals
8/4/2014 10:38:00 AMIBM
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years124.95 %IBM Signals
8/4/2014 10:38:00 AMICE
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years219.81 %ICE Signals
8/4/2014 10:38:00 AMIFF
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years200.06 %IFF Signals
8/4/2014 10:38:00 AMINTC
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years102.02 %INTC Signals
8/4/2014 10:38:00 AMINTU
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years16.23 %INTU Signals
8/4/2014 10:38:00 AMIP
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years304.90 %IP Signals
8/4/2014 10:38:00 AMIPG
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years275.25 %IPG Signals
8/4/2014 10:38:00 AMIR
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years330.92 %IR Signals
8/4/2014 10:38:00 AMIRM
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years123.73 %IRM Signals
8/4/2014 10:38:00 AMISRG
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years384.73 %ISRG Signals
8/4/2014 10:38:00 AMITW
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years91.79 %ITW Signals
8/4/2014 10:38:00 AMIVZ
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years137.71 %IVZ Signals
8/4/2014 10:38:00 AMJBL
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years437.07 %JBL Signals
8/4/2014 10:38:00 AMJCI
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years283.80 %JCI Signals
8/4/2014 10:38:00 AMJEC
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years248.90 %JEC Signals
8/4/2014 10:38:00 AMJNJ
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years80.68 %JNJ Signals
8/4/2014 10:37:00 AMHBAN
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years225.15 %HBAN Signals
8/4/2014 10:37:00 AMHCBK
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years126.93 %HCBK Signals
8/4/2014 10:37:00 AMHCN
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years71.32 %HCN Signals
8/4/2014 10:37:00 AMHCP
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years67.43 %HCP Signals
8/4/2014 10:37:00 AMHD
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years125.82 %HD Signals
8/4/2014 10:37:00 AMHES
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years282.31 %HES Signals
8/4/2014 10:37:00 AMHIG
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years273.19 %HIG Signals
8/4/2014 10:37:00 AMHOG
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years189.06 %HOG Signals
8/4/2014 10:37:00 AMHON
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years130.20 %HON Signals
8/4/2014 10:37:00 AMHOT
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years218.38 %HOT Signals
8/4/2014 10:37:00 AMHP
Smoothed RSI Simple Trading System
1-day chart10 years492.10 %HP Signals
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