Technical Stock Screeners

52-week Low Stock Screener

52-week period is equal to a calendar year and this period is used by many market analysts as a measurement of a stock's performance.

52-week Lows stocks screener below will assist you to see to see the stocks breaking their 52-week lows (making new 52-week lows) as well as you may look for stocks traded in a specific price range from their 52-week lows.

  • When the "making and touching 52-week low" option is selected, this technical screener will scan for the stocks where bar's Close price made new 52-week Low or bar's Low price dropped below 52-week Low.
  • When a range option is selected, the stocks traded within specified range from their 52-weel Lows will be selected. As an example, if $100 is a stock's 52-Low and you selected to scan the stock market for the stocks traded in the 5-10% range from their 52-week Lows, then, only the stocks traded in the range from $105 ($100 + 5%) to $110 ($100 + 10%) will be selected.
  • We also display the 52-week High to see a trend's strength. If a stock's 52-week High = $220 and 52-week Low = $200, it reveals that this stock was moving side-way in the narrow 10% range for an entire year (52 weeks) and this stock's decline to the 52-week Low cannot be considered as a strong trend. On the other hand, when we see (as an example) 52-week High = $200 and 52-week Low = $100, then, we have a strongly declining stock - this stock lost 50% over the past 52 weeks.

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Log in in to be able to filter by price range, volume and select analysis results for a particular date in history

Stocks Making and hitting (touching) new as of 3/15/2025

Please bear in mind that historical screen results may have some degree of error and may not include the stocks which are currently not listed on an Exchange or in an index.
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