Most Traded Stocks on the Stock Market

Yearly Most Traded Stocks by Volume

Yearly most traded by volume stocks are the stocks with highest average daily trading volume which were traded on the US stock market (NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ) over the past year (52-week period).

The list of the most traded stocks over the past year is quite a stable list which does not change frequently. Still, depending on the interests of the long-term investors, you may track the changes in this list - you may see where the main trading activity of the long-term traders is focused.

The biggest changes in the most traded list could be witnessed during stock market crashes and recessions. At that time, the stocks that lost the most of their value during a crash and that attract the big institutional investors by their underpriced value, are moving to the top of the list.

Beside the Bear markets, the yearly most traded stocks screener is used for informational purposes to see the long-term general tendencies on the market.

Top 50 of the Most Traded Stocks over the Past Year on the U.S. market

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