Best & Worst Stocks

Intraday Winners and Losers - Best & Worst Stocks

The Best stocks screener (stock filter) scans the market for the Best performing stocks on the intraday time-frames.

The screener is mostly focused on the needs of day traders who is looking for the strong up-trending stocks on the intraday charts. The main idea behind this type of trading is to participate in a strong up-trends for a short period of time. It is not about making 10% profit every day. It is about taking a small part of profit from a strong up-trend:

  • A trader finds Best performing stock. Let's say a stock have already advanced 1.5% move over the past hour.
  • A trader applies additional analysis to estimate the odds of price moving further up.
  • If the odds of further price advance are high, a trader participates in a up-trend, pockets 0.2% (as an example) profit and leaves.

If you have a trading strategy for day-trading and you are looking for a strong-trending stocks (Best performing), then this screener will help you to locate them.

What should you know about the Winers stock screener below:

  • The stock screener below scans the market in real time.
  • You may analyze last 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 minutes.
  • During scanning, full selected period is always used. As an example, when this screener analyzes the market for the past 30 minutes, it always analyzes 30-minutes. Therefore, when you run the screener at 9:51 EST (21 minutes after the market opened), the screener uses 21 minutes of the recent session plus 9 minutes from the last trading session. Respectfully, when you run screener after the market closes, 30 minutes of the last trading sessions (from 15:30 until 16:00 EST) are analyzed.

Log in in to be able to filter by price range, volume and select analysis results for a particular date in history
Log in in to be able to filter by price range, volume and select analysis results for a particular date in history

Best Stocks over the past 10 trading minutes as of Saturday, March 15, 2025 00:00

Press HERE to narrow the list of the selected stocks
10-minute WinnAverage PriceAverage 1-min VolumeChart

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