Trading Systems Scanning Tools

Trading Systems

About our Trading Systems Scanning Tool

Our subscribers have access to quite unique tool which allows scanning various popular technical indicators for the best performed chart setting for a given stock and selected time-frame.

In technical analysis, a lot of time and resources novice and professional traders spend on research of technical indicators, testing the selected indicators' settings and etc. Many traders "gave up" after spending several month on several technical indicator without any result. Our scanning tool solves this problem by delivering statistics on the technical indicators and their performance. We will show you

  • the list of technical studies (indicators) that will work well for the stocks you trade,
  • what indicators do not work for your stocks,
  • the best performed setting in the recent past,
  • the instruction on how to set a trading system and how to generate signals,
  • the instruction on  how to set intraday email alerts on our stock charts and daily email alerts on the web-site in the members' area.

As was already mentioned above, our system scans for the best chart setting. As an example, let's say you would like to know the best recommended MACD Setting for QQQ stock on the daily (1 bar = 1 day) stock charts. The MACD has two parameters - fast and slow MA bar periods. By assuming that each parameter could vary from 1 to 100 we will have 10,000 combinations of the possible MACD settings. Our system will test (scan) all of these 10,000 possible setting combinations over the past 10 years of QQQ historical data and it will select the setting that delivered the best performance. You will see what you can expect and what chart setting you can use.

If by any reasons you do not see your indicator / stock / time-frame combination or the scan results you see are too old, you may always submit a new scan and build a library of personal scans that you may use in your technical analysis.

If you cannot find scan results for your stocks or ETF or scan results are old, you may submit a new system scan in "Your Scans" section.

Click on the link to signals to see the system's (chart and indicator) settings.

Scan DateSymbolTrading System Name
(Technical Indicator)
Time Frame
achived return
2/20/2025 5:36:00 PMGOOG1-day chart10 years-1,000.00 %
2/20/2025 5:35:00 PMSOXL1-day chart10 years-1,000.00 %
12/30/2024 5:36:00 PMQQQ30-min chart1 years36.34 %QQQ Signals
11/6/2024 5:35:00 PMQQQ1-day chart10 years67.54 %QQQ Signals
7/15/2024 5:35:00 PMADBE30-min chart1 years-1,000.00 %
1/22/2024 5:36:00 PMQQQ15-min chart4 months15.16 %QQQ Signals
1/22/2024 5:36:00 PMMARA15-min chart4 months135.46 %MARA Signals
1/22/2024 5:36:00 PMPYPL15-min chart4 months65.12 %PYPL Signals
1/22/2024 5:35:00 PMQQQ15-min chart4 months15.84 %QQQ Signals
9/4/2023 5:36:00 PMKO30-min chart12 months23.27 %KO Signals
9/4/2023 5:36:00 PMKO30-min chart12 months23.27 %KO Signals
7/28/2023 5:36:00 PMQQQ1-day chart10 years76.27 %QQQ Signals
6/5/2023 5:35:00 PMAVDL1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
6/5/2023 5:35:00 PMUAA1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
5/8/2023 5:36:00 PMSPY1-day chart10 years-1,000.00 %
1/3/2023 5:36:00 PMXES1-day chart10 years139.13 %XES Signals
1/3/2023 5:35:00 PMXES60-min chart2 years119.60 %XES Signals
11/11/2022 5:35:00 PMALLK1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
11/11/2022 5:35:00 PMBEAT1-min chart21 days19.01 %BEAT Signals
11/11/2022 5:35:00 PMBHVN1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
9/26/2022 5:40:00 PMQID60-min chart2 years107.27 %QID Signals
9/26/2022 5:39:00 PMUVXY15-min chart4 months106.19 %UVXY Signals
9/26/2022 5:38:00 PMSPXU30-min chart12 months121.06 %SPXU Signals
9/26/2022 5:38:00 PMUVXY5-min chart1 months32.82 %UVXY Signals
9/26/2022 5:38:00 PMUVXY15-min chart4 months115.21 %UVXY Signals
9/26/2022 5:37:00 PMSPXU60-min chart2 years111.83 %SPXU Signals
9/26/2022 5:36:00 PMSPXU60-min chart2 years117.13 %SPXU Signals
9/26/2022 5:36:00 PMSPXU15-min chart4 months88.58 %SPXU Signals
9/26/2022 5:35:00 PMSPXU30-min chart12 months121.56 %SPXU Signals
8/18/2022 5:37:00 PM^NDX1-min chart21 days4.05 %^NDX Signals
8/18/2022 5:37:00 PM^NDX5-min chart1 months-1,000.00 %
8/18/2022 5:35:00 PM^NDX1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
6/22/2022 5:35:00 PMPFE1-day chart10 years-1,000.00 %
5/6/2022 5:36:00 PMUVXY15-min chart4 months279.54 %UVXY Signals
5/6/2022 5:36:00 PMUVXY15-min chart4 months150.10 %UVXY Signals
5/6/2022 5:36:00 PMUVXY15-min chart4 months186.53 %UVXY Signals
5/6/2022 5:36:00 PMUVXY15-min chart4 months224.26 %UVXY Signals
5/6/2022 5:36:00 PMUVXY15-min chart4 months253.21 %UVXY Signals
5/6/2022 5:35:00 PMUVXY15-min chart4 months180.72 %UVXY Signals
4/28/2022 5:35:00 PMUVXY1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
4/28/2022 5:35:00 PMROKU1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
4/27/2022 5:35:00 PMUVXY1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
4/19/2022 5:44:00 PMSOXL60-min chart2 years86.02 %SOXL Signals
4/19/2022 5:44:00 PMW1-day chart10 years319.11 %W Signals
4/19/2022 5:36:00 PMUVXY60-min chart2 years134.91 %UVXY Signals
4/19/2022 5:35:00 PMCOP5-min chart1 months8.92 %COP Signals
4/18/2022 5:36:00 PMTQQQ60-min chart2 years113.58 %TQQQ Signals
3/21/2022 5:35:00 PMBOOT1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
3/1/2022 5:35:00 PMNVDA1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
3/1/2022 5:35:00 PMNVDA1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
2/3/2022 5:36:00 PMUVXY60-min chart2 years23.44 %UVXY Signals
2/3/2022 5:36:00 PMQLD15-min chart4 months59.31 %QLD Signals
2/3/2022 5:36:00 PMQLD60-min chart2 years37.91 %QLD Signals
2/3/2022 5:35:00 PMUVXY15-min chart4 months237.52 %UVXY Signals
12/27/2021 5:35:00 PMNVDA15-min chart4 months56.65 %NVDA Signals
12/22/2021 5:35:00 PMTSLA1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
12/21/2021 5:35:00 PMXLF1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
12/8/2021 5:35:00 PMIWM30-min chart12 months30.72 %IWM Signals
12/7/2021 5:35:00 PMSPY30-min chart12 months9.58 %SPY Signals
11/17/2021 5:35:00 PMES1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
11/17/2021 5:35:00 PMAQN1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
6/28/2021 5:36:00 PMTSLA1-day chart10 years1,499.49 %TSLA Signals
6/28/2021 5:36:00 PMAAPL1-day chart10 years485.14 %AAPL Signals
6/28/2021 5:35:00 PMAAPL1-day chart10 years845.06 %AAPL Signals
6/16/2021 5:36:00 PMOXY1-day chart10 years209.89 %OXY Signals
6/16/2021 5:35:00 PMNIO30-min chart12 months63.80 %NIO Signals
6/11/2021 5:35:00 PMSNDL5-min chart1 months7.79 %SNDL Signals
6/10/2021 5:36:00 PMX5-min chart1 months23.01 %X Signals
5/17/2021 5:35:00 PMTEL1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
4/26/2021 5:35:00 PMSNDL1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
4/2/2021 5:36:00 PMAMZN5-min chart1 months17.71 %AMZN Signals
4/2/2021 5:35:00 PMAMZN5-min chart1 months13.45 %AMZN Signals
3/19/2021 5:35:00 PMSUNW1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
2/23/2021 5:37:00 PMUVXY60-min chart2 years991.16 %UVXY Signals
2/23/2021 5:37:00 PMTQQQ60-min chart2 years133.73 %TQQQ Signals
2/23/2021 5:36:00 PMSVXY60-min chart2 years154.56 %SVXY Signals
2/23/2021 5:36:00 PMTQQQ60-min chart2 years116.62 %TQQQ Signals
2/23/2021 5:36:00 PMUVXY30-min chart1 years200.03 %UVXY Signals
2/23/2021 5:36:00 PMUVXY60-min chart2 years918.69 %UVXY Signals
2/23/2021 5:35:00 PMUVXY60-min chart2 years665.93 %UVXY Signals
2/22/2021 5:35:00 PMPINS1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
2/15/2021 5:35:00 PMTSLA1-day chart10 years677.66 %TSLA Signals
2/9/2021 5:35:00 PMAAPL1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
2/9/2021 5:35:00 PMAAPL1-min chart21 days-1,000.00 %
1/28/2021 5:36:00 PMNVDA5-min chart1 months9.82 %NVDA Signals
1/28/2021 5:36:00 PMCRM15-min chart4 months19.05 %CRM Signals
1/28/2021 5:36:00 PMCRM5-min chart1 months5.98 %CRM Signals
1/28/2021 5:36:00 PMSHOP5-min chart1 months19.45 %SHOP Signals
1/28/2021 5:36:00 PMCAT15-min chart4 months31.41 %CAT Signals
1/28/2021 5:36:00 PMAMZN15-min chart4 months47.19 %AMZN Signals
1/28/2021 5:36:00 PMDE15-min chart4 months31.25 %DE Signals
1/28/2021 5:35:00 PMAMZN15-min chart4 months16.44 %AMZN Signals
1/28/2021 5:35:00 PMAMZN5-min chart1 months9.29 %AMZN Signals
1/28/2021 5:35:00 PMCOUP15-min chart4 months81.25 %COUP Signals
1/28/2021 5:35:00 PMCOUP5-min chart1 months22.63 %COUP Signals
1/28/2021 5:35:00 PMNIO15-min chart4 months133.66 %NIO Signals
1/11/2021 5:36:00 PMPDD15-min chart4 months58.32 %PDD Signals
1/11/2021 5:36:00 PMBABA15-min chart4 months26.92 %BABA Signals
1/11/2021 5:36:00 PMBA15-min chart4 months79.98 %BA Signals
1/11/2021 5:35:00 PMROKU15-min chart4 months76.76 %ROKU Signals
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